The court will require one of three types of Electronic Home Monitoring (E.H.M.).
We provide all types of monitoring with no setup fee and low weekly rates! Call now to reserve your appointment! (360)878-8896
When you are sentenced to standard EHM, We will monitor
your G.P.S. location. Our service allows you to work, go to school, doctors appointments while you're on our program. A
schedule is setup for your employment and you are to return home as soon as your scheduled necessary stops are made. The courts have given clients this option in lieu of jail. Not adhering to the
schedule or approved activities
will not be tolerated.
E.H.M. with Alcohol Monitoring required by the courts, your G.P.S. location and your alcohol levels will be monitored. Currently providing hand held breathalyzers in conjunction with GPS ankle braclet. Serving Tacoma, Olympia, Shelton.
Some courts require strictly alcohol monitoring as a pre-trial release condition. In these cases we will only monitor your alcohol consumption information and not your G.P.S. location. Call today to reserve your device. Limited avalability.